Cellini Magic Healing Natural Body Soap with St John’s Wort Oil & Olive Oil
Let the healing begin and the light shine in!
Product Description
Cellini Magic Healing Natural Body Soap with St John’s Wort Oil & Olive Oil
Let the healing begin and the light shine in! St John’s Wort (Hypericum Perforatum), this ancient medicinal plant is rediscovered for its alleviating properties in body and spirit. Infused in our natural body soap, it pairs wonderfully well with the needs of sensitive skin and is safe for those with skin problem such as eczema, psoriasis and acne. St John’s Wort is also an excellent anti-septic and anti-inflammatory agent, even the ancient Spartans used to use it! Cellini Natural Body Soaps’ base consists exclusively from pure Olive Oil, so that you can benefit from its hyper hydrating and antioxidant properties. Ready to let the healing begin?
Ideal for sensitive skin
Α 100% natural vegan soap